Consent to submit planning applications with regards the decarbonisation of Sunbury Leisure Centre



Sunbury Leisure Centre, Sunbury on Thames


Spelthorne Borough Council



Sunbury Leisure centre




This report seeks to inform and assure members and seek agreement from CPRC to submit planning applications in relation to the decarbonisation of Sunbury Leisure Centre: to add additional Solar PV to Sunbury Leisure Centre, install Air-to-Water Heat Pumps, and remove the aging boilers from site to deliver a project to decarbonise Sunbury Leisure Centre.


Following the successful application to the Swimming Pool Support Fund by Sport England, the Council have been awarded a grant of £994,883 to add additional Solar PV to the Sunbury Leisure Centre, install Air-to-Water Heat Pumps, and remove the aging boilers from site to deliver a project to decarbonise Sunbury Leisure Centre.

The grant conditions were accepted under delegated authority by Terry Collier in his capacity as the Council’s Statutory Chief Financial Officer.

A report was taken to CPRC in July seeking consent to appoint the contract to deliver the project, under an approved Framework agreement, which was approved (Appendix A).  It was understood at the time that planning permission was unlikely to be required.  However, the Planning Team has since confirmed a Pre-Planning Application is necessary for the PV work, and a Full Planning Application is required for the Heat Pumps.    

Spelthorne Borough Council lease Sunbury leisure centre from Sunbury Manor School under a long lease with 14 years remaining.  The school have confirmed that they are happy for the work to be undertaken and have entered into a licence for alterations to go ahead subject to obtaining planning approval.

Because the council are the leaseholder rather than freeholder of the property, officers were unaware that committee consent would be required, if planning permission were needed. 

Considering the fact committee consent is required before a planning application can be taken forward and given the time-sensitive nature of the project, we request agreement to immediately pursue the planning applications at the earliest opportunity.


Deadline for drawdown.  This is a recognised risk and the principal reason for seeking urgent action to submit planning application.  We will be drawing down the funding in instalments as the work is undertaken to mitigate this risk.

The terms of the grant stipulate that the work must be completed by March 31, 2025, to secure the final 10% of the budget.  However, Sport England have indicated that if reasonable justification can be given, they would entertain an extension if the delay can be justified and there was a clear programme outlining when the work will be completed.  If planning is delayed, the entire Project is at risk of being ended, and the Council will lose the funding.

The current boilers on site are toward the end of their life.  If the funding is not used to replace the boiler, the Council will need to finance any required replacements, as per the Asset Management matrix. Seeking permission, helps toward mitigating this risk.

Without planning permission, the project cannot proceed, leading to significant delays and increased costs due to extended project timelines and potential price increases for materials and labour. Failure to meet project deadlines and budget constraints could harm the reputation of the organisation and its ability to secure future funding. Seeking planning permission at the earliest opportunity will mitigate these risks.

Landlord’s formal consent to works is required and has been obtained by Legal subject to planning permission being granted. 


Leisure, Legal and the Project team have considered the matter and recommend due to the project time constraints, the Council agrees to the submission of the necessary planning applications at the earliest opportunity.  Officers are satisfied that this action is sufficient to protect the interest of the council and mitigate the risks above.


Please could you therefore confirm that you give approval to authorise this urgent item to enable a planning application to be taken forward regarding the works set out at the top of this document.